YOU have to silence your mind in order to listen to your intuition.
As I told you before, I love the freedom a junk journal offers: you don’t have to worry about ruining the paper or the journal, because this is a . . .junk journal! The junk journal project was born just because I had so many left over papers, cardboards, leaflets, envelopes and other paper support I wanted to gather together into a so called junk journal. It is called junk journal simply because it is made from stuff you would rather throw away, but in art journaling everything goes. So I started to love this journal. . .
Asa cum v-am mai spus, imi place libertatea pe care ti-o da un junk jurnal: nu trebuie sa-ti faci griji ca o sa strici hartia sau jurnalul, pentru ca insusi jurnalul este un….junk jurnal! Proiectul junk journal s-a nascut pentru ca aveam atat de multe harti ramase de la diverse proiecte, cartoane, pliante, plicuri si altele pe care vroiam sa le adun intr-un singur loc, un asa numit junk jurnal. Se numeste junk jurnal pentru simplu fapt ca e facut din materiale pe care oricum le-ai fi aruncat, dar in art journaling orice este posibil. Asa ca am inceptut sa iubesc acest jurnal…
Can you believe this face was painted in acrylics over a piece of leaflet I got from the local book store? Well, yeah! And there was no pressure, no frustration, no headaches. Just me drawing and painting and adding color. . .
Va vine sa credeti ca aceasta fata a fost pictata in acrilice pe o bucata dintr-un pliant pe care l-am luat de la magazinul de carte? Ei bine, da! Si nu a existat nici o presiune, nici o frustrare, nici o durere de cap. Doar eu desenand si pictand si adaugand culoare…
It started with a Posca marker sketch and then I added acrylics. I wasn’t sure how it would look in the end, but I know for sure I loved to keep on adding until it became what you can see in the final result:
A inceput cu o schita facuta cu markere POSCA si apoi am adaugat acrilice. Nu eram sigura cum o sa arate la final, dar stiu sigur ca mi-a placut la nebunie sa tot adaug strat dupa strat pana a devenit ceea ce puteti vedea in rezultatul final:
How you like this face? Please leave a comment below and tell me what you think.
Cum va place fata asta? Lasati-mi un comentariu mai jos si spuneti-mi parerea voastra.
See you next time,
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