Violet flower in colored Pencils by Cristina Parus @

Violet flower in colored pencils

Even though I like to paint flowers, I have to admit it’s not my favorite subject. I use this flower project as a practice to draw more flowers into my art journals pages, where there is a face in the picture that maybe wears a flower in her hair. 😉 

For today I drew this violet flower, but I can’t remember what my inspiration was for this one. I’ve created using Prismacolors Pencils blended with olis. And the result it’s pretty amazing. 


Chiar daca imi place sa pictez flori, trebuie sa recunosc ca nu sunt subiectul meu preferat. Acest proiect il folosesc ca practica pentru a desena mai multe flori in paginile jurnalelor mele, unde exista si o fata in imagine si probabil poarta flori in par 😉

Pentru astazi am desenat aceasta floare violet, dar nu-mi amintesc de unde m-am inspirat. Am desenat-o folosind creioanele Prismacolor pe care le-am mixat cu ulei. Iar rezultatul e destul de uimitor.

Violet flower in colored Pencils by Cristina Parus @

It all started with a pencil sketch and with many added layers of color. 

Totul a inceput cu o schita in creion si cu multe straturi de culoare adaugate.

Violet flower in colored Pencils by Cristina Parus @

First layer of pink color

Primul strat de culoare

Violet flower in colored Pencils by Cristina Parus @

Then  adding a little bit dark one

Apoi am adaugat un roz mai inchis

Violet flower in colored Pencils by Cristina Parus @

Blending both of them with oil for a painterly look

Am mixat cele doua culori cu ulei pentru un efect ‘pictat’

Violet flower in colored Pencils by Cristina Parus @

And then adding a dark violet for more depth to create a realistic effect. And I think it’s done, I’ll leave it as it is! 

Iar apoi am adaugat un violet inchis pentru a da senzatia de profunzime si un efect mai realist. Si cred ca e gata, am s-o las asa cum e!


Pe curand,


3 responses to “Violet flower in colored pencils”

  1. I just love how prismacolors create that effect ! 🙂

  2. So beautifully done! Depth was created with those layers of color.

    1. Yes, that’s what I wanted to achieve, Connie!

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