One of these days, when the sun seemed to warm the earth even more beautiful than he does in the spring, I went for a walk in the park. I took with me my art journal made from wrapping paper that I wrote about in here. I said to myself to take advantage of this wonderful day and draw directly in nature. But I didn’t drew leaves and other natural Autumnal wonders, but a portrait that I may say it came out pretty good.
Intr-una din zilele trecute, cand soarele incalzea pamantul parca mai frumos decat primavara, am iesit la o plimbare in parc. Am luat cu mine si jurnalul meu facut din hartie de ambalaj pe care l-ati vazut aici. Am zis sa profit de aceasta zi minunata si sa desenez direct in natura. N-am desenat insa frunze si alte minuni ale naturii tomantice, ci un portret care mi-a iesit destul de bine.
Wrapping paper is great for practice, because you won’t feel bad for ruining the good, expensive one. But to me this paper also creates interesting effects both when painting portraits, but also when trying abstract or still nature painting.
Hartia de impachetat este un suport minunat pentru practica, pentru ca nu te vei simti prost ca ai stricat hartia buna si scumpa. Dar pentru mine acest tip de hartie creeaza efecte interesante, atat cand pictez portrete cat si cand incerc picturi abstracte sau natura statica.
Much Love <3
Pe curand,
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