What I’ve been doing + New Art Projects
One email I received a while ago from Cloth Paper Scissors was talking about the fear of creating and lack of inspiration. As much as I want to get back on track really quick, things will never be the same (in that good way!) and I have to love what I do and do what I love, and one thing that I truly love is creating art. Here is what I/ve been doing lately in my art journal.
Intr-un email primit acum ceva vreme de la Cloth Paper Scissors se vorbea despre frica de a crea si lipsa de inspiratie. Oricat de mult imi doresc sa revin la felul in care desenam si pictam inainte, lucrurile nu vor mai fi niciodata la fel (in sensul ala bun!) si trebuie sa iubesc ceea ce fac si sa fac ceea ce iubesc, iar unul dintre lucrurile pe care le iubesc cu adevarat este sa creez arta. Iata ce am mai facut in art journalul meu in ultima vreme.
A video posted by Cristina Parus (@cristinaparusartist) on
Flipping through journals is a good reminder of what you have done in the past and what you can do in the future, and for me they are great inspiration sources because each time I open a journal after a while, I see the pages with different eyes.
Rasfoirea jurnalelor poate fi un bun reminder a ceea ce ai desenat/pictat in trecut, si a ceea ce poti face in viitor, iar pentru mine jurnalele sunt o mare sursa de inpiratie pentru ca de fiecare data cand le deschid dupa o vreme, vad mereu paginile cu alti ochi.
One of the projects I focused my attention from some time now is creating of a new tutorial on how you can create your own (art) junk journal from recycled materials, envelops, magazine pages, cardboards and other materials. I intend to add video explanations and to walk you thru every single page of the journal.
Unul dintre proiectele pe care m-am axat de ceva vreme este crearea unui nou tutorial care sa arate cum iti poti crea propriul art (junk) journal din materiale reciclate, plicuri, pagini din reviste, cartoane si altele. Intentionez sa adaug explicatii video si sa prezint fiecare pagina a jurnalului.
It’s been a while since I last posted around here, but meanwhile I continued to create art I posted mostly on Instagram, but also on Twitter and Facebook or Facebook Art Journaling Romania group.
A trecut ceva timp de cand n-am mai postat pe aici, dar intre timp am continuat sa creez si sa postez in mare parte pe Instagram, dar si peTwitter siFacebook, sau pe grupul de Facebook Art Journaling Romania.
See you soon!