junk journal paint on whatever surface you find suitable mixed media face by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

Happy New Year 2016!

It’s been a wonderful year, and another one even more wonderful lies ahead. I’m more than happy and grateful for an amazing 2015, and can’t wait for the beautiful 2016 to start! It’s going to be a very special year for us! They say Christmas is for family and New Year’s Eve is for gathering friends together. Have fun partying with your dear ones! I’ll leave you with a page I did this month in my junk journal: paint on whatever surface you find suitable!

junk journal paint on whatever surface you find suitable mixed media face by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

A fost un an minunat si unul si mai minunat ne bate la usa. Sunt mai mult decat fericita si recunoascatoare pentru anul 2015, si abia astept ca 2016 sa inceapta! Va fi un ancu adevarat special pentru noi! Se spune ca de Craciun iti aduni familia, de revelion te intalnesti cu prietenii. Petreceti si distrati-va cu cei dragi! Am sa va las cu aceasta pagina pe care am pictat-o luna aceasta in jurnalul junk: picteaza pe orice suprafata pe care o consideri potrivita!


Happy New year!

La multi ani!

New Year’s Eve Two years ago


4 responses to “Happy New Year 2016!”

  1. La multi ani fericiti si cat mai multe pagini de art journaling! Eu inca n-am indraznit sa ma apuc, dar cine stie….anul asta poate?

    1. Cristina, the Creative Mag

      Art journalingul nu are reguli, asa ca ar trebui sa te incumeti sa incerci, e foarte relaxant! Multumesc pentru comentariu!

  2. Happy New Year!!! I hope you make more meaningful art this year, as it’s going to be a very special one for you. Take care always and keep painting and drawing.


    1. Cristina, the Creative Mag

      Happy new Year, Connie! It’s going to be a special one for you, too, why not?! 😉

      Let’s create some art now and share it with the rest of the world!

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