This flower is called Diphylleia Grayi and it’s better known as the skeleton flower. These flowers are normally white, but they turn transparent if rain hit their petals. Pretty amazing, isn’t it? So I thought it would be nice to paint them in my art journal.
Aceasta floare se numeste Diphylleia Grayi si este mai bine cunoscuta ca floare schelet. Aceste flori sunt albe in mod normal, dar devin transparente o data ce picaturile de ploaie le ating petalele. Uimitor, nu-i asa? Asa ca m-am gandit ca ar fi dragut sa le pictez la mine in jurmal.
To get started with this page I needed a dark background, so I painted the page with black watercolor. Then I started to draw the flowers using white gouache melted in a little bit of water to create that transparent effect. At the end, it all turned out beautifully after I added the finishing touches with a white and black gel pen. And to make them even more spectacular, at the very end I added some glitter that can be better seen if you tilt the page.
Pentru a incepe sa pictez pagina am avut nevoie de un fundal inchis, asa ca am pictat pagina cu negru acuarela. Apoi am inceput sa desenez florile cu ajutorul unei guase albe dizolvata putin in apa pentru a crea acel efect de transparenta. La sfarsit, totul s-a transformat atat de frumos dupa ce am adaugat tusele de final cu un pix cu gel alb si altul negry. Si pentru a face pagina sa arate si mai bine, la sfarsit de tot am adaugat putin sclipici care poate fi vazut mult mai bine daca inclini putin pagina.
And here is a close up with the flowers! Hope you like it!
Si iata si o poza de aproape cu florile! Sper sa va placa!
Pe curand,
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