Abstract February faces by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

Abstract February journals – feb 6

Right after I’ve finished the yesterday’s sketch, I’ve started to sketch the one you see today. It’s hard to sketch just one once you see how beautiful these abstract sketches can be. but there’s no rule saying you have to sketch just one per day, isn’t it? 

Imediat dupa ce am terminat schita de ieri, m-am apucat de cea pe care o vedeti astazi. E si greu sa te opresti la una singura o data ce vezi cat de frumos pot iesi aceste schite abstracte. Dar nu-i nici o regula cum ca trebuie sa desenezi doar una pe zi, nu?

Abstract February faces by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

This time I only have just one photo with it and that’s because I haven’t had time to take more: it was ready right away! Today I’ve decided to emphasize her eyes a little bit, her nose and mouth. Not very much, but I think it looks better then the one I’ve made yesterday, isn’t it? 

Tomorrow I’m gonna try and see how such an abstract face would look like “melted” in a little bit of water. What’s going to look like? Hmm… we shall see tomorrow! 😉 

De data asta nu am decat o singura poza si asta pentru ca n-am avut timp sa fac prea multe: a fost gata imediat! Astazi am ales sa-i conturez usor ochii, nasul si gura. Nu foarte mult, dar am impresia ca arata mult mai bine decat cea de ieri, nu?

Maine o sa incerc sa vad cum ar arata o astfel de fata abstracta “diluata” in putina apa. Oare ce-o sa iasa? Hmm…. vedem maine! 😉

What have you been drawing today?

Tu ce-ai mai desenat azi?

Pe curand,


2 responses to “Abstract February journals – feb 6”

  1. They look great! Did you use the water? I’d like to see :oD

    1. Cristina, the Creative Mag

      Nop, I haven’t here! Check out this page where I did: http://www.creativemag.ro/abstract-february-journals-feb-8/

      Thanks for stopping by! <3

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