This page was inspired by a hair cut after flipping a fashion magazine online. I then searched for “nest in her hair” and found many interesting photos to use as inspiration. The photo I used for this page can be found here.
Inspiratia pentru aceasta pagina a venit dupa ce-am rasfoit o revista de moda online. Am cautat apoi “nest in her hair” pe Google si am gasit o gramada de imagini interesante. Poza pe care am folosita poate fi vazuta aici.
I’m painting in a Derwent A4 journal who doesn’t have watercolor paper, so I had to be very careful with the amount of water added on the page. Once I had the first layer on acrylic on the page, it was easier to move the color and add more and more layers.
Pictez intr-un jurnal Derwent A4 care nu are hartie pentru acuarela, asa ca a trebuit sa am grija cu cantitatea de apa folosita. Dupa ce am adaugat insa acrilic, a fost mult mai usor sa misc culorile sau sa adaug mai multe straturi de vopsea.
I’ve used neocolors 2, some INktense pencils to add details, like drawing her eyes, lips or nose, but also lines in her hair. The twigs in her hair were also drawn with INKtense pencils.
Am folosit creioanele neocolors 2, cateva creioane INKtense pentru detalii, la ochii, buze si nas, dar si cateva linii in parul ei. Iar crengutele din parul ei au fost desenate tot cu creioane INKtense.
You can add some journaling if you feel like: play with the background, add texture, stamps or stencils! The page is not quite done, because I feel the background it’s missing.
Puteti sa scrieti si cateva randuri daca doriti: jucati-va cu fundalul, adaugati textura, stampile sau sabloane! Pagina aceasta nu este tocmai gata pentru ca simt ca ii lipseste un fundal.
What have you been journaling today?
Ce-ai mai jurnalit azi?
Pe curand,
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