You can create whatever you imagine - art journal page by Crisitina Parus @

You Can Create Whatever You Imagine

The page you are about to see today says it very clearly: you can create whatever you wish if you can imagine it. No matter what your desires are, you can  make them happen if you just set your mind to. And that does not apply only when it comes to art journaling. 

Pagina de astazi are un mesaj clar: poti crea absolut tot ce doresti daca poti sa-ti imaginezi respectivul lucru. Indiferent de care iti sunt dorintele, poti face ca acestea sa se imdeplineasca daca iti pui in minte. Si nu ma refer aici doar la art journaling.

You can create whatever you imagine - art journal page by Crisitina Parus @

Today I thought it would be interesting to draw and paint in the middle of a page spread: and because I like to draw girls whose faces are getting out of the page, I started to sketch two big eyes and attached a nose and a pair of lips…her mouth was too big for the face proportions, so I had to adjust it before adding color. 

Astazi m-am gandit ca ar fi interesant sa desenez si sa pictez in mijlocul a doua pagini alaturate si pentru ca imi place sa desenez fete care ies de cele mai multe ori din pagina, m-am apucat sa schitez doi ochi mari la care am adaugat un nas si o gura…Gura a fost cam mare pentru proprotiile fetei, asa ca a trebuit sa mai ajustez pe ici pe colo inainte sa trec la adaugat culoare.

You can create whatever you imagine  - art journal page by Crisitina Parus @

Of course I started drawing with a watercolor pencil that melted with a bit of white acrylic paint and just a little bit amount of water. You can stop at this stage, but who can stop when there are no mistakesin art?

A tiny bit of white acrylic and a watercolor pencils can make it look pretty good, and if you start to draw a face, it gets even better. I missed so much drawing whimsical girls, and was just about time to have them back in my art journal pages. And the one you get to see today is it drawn on the Derwent Classic One sketchbook using a watercolor blue-greenish Koh-i-Noor pencil. After sketching her face and the hair, I activated the color with CAMPUS white acrylic paint and tiny bit of water. 

Am desenat evident cu un creion colorat acuarelabil pe care l-am topit initial cu un strop de acrilic alb si putina apa. Va puteti opri si la stadiul asta, insa ce rost avea cand in arta nu exista greseli?

Un strop de acrilic alb si un creion acuarelabil pot face multe, iar daca te apuci sa desenezi o fata, cu atat mai bine. Mi-au cam lipsit fetele whimsical, si era cazul sa reapara in paginile jurnalelor mele. Cea de astazi a fost denesata in jurnalul Derwent Classic Book cu un creion acuarelabil Koh-i-Noor in culoarea verde-albastrui. Dupa ce am schitata fata si parul, am activat culoarea cu acrilic alb CAMPUS si cu putina apa.

You can create whatever you imagine  - art journal page by Crisitina Parus @

Then I added the creamy gel sticks from Faber Castell (or gelatos) that blended so well directly with my fingers, without adding water. For the side I also used gel sticks mixed with white acrylic when spread on the page, helping to fix the color permanently. I loved the way it looked at this stage, but then I said I should add some text/message to the page and this is how I ended looking for textile pieces in my patch box, where I brought out two patches that were later on painted in white acrylic, only to stamp them with the message you wish to express.

Au urmat batoanele cremoase de la Faber Castell (gel sticks) care s-au intins frumos doar cu desegetele, fara nici un pic de apa. Lateralele paginii sunt pictate tot cu batoanele cremoase, doar ca aici am aplicat acrilic alb cand le-am intins, fixand astfel culoarea. Mi-a placut foarte mult cum arata asa, dar am zis sa-i adaug si un mesaj si uite asa am ajuns in cutia cu petice, de unde am luat doua bucatele de material pe care le-am vopsit cu acrilic alb, pentru ca mai apoi sa le stampilez cu mesajul dorit.

You can create whatever you imagine  - art journal page by Crisitina Parus @

Initially I wanted to use glue to stick the textiles, but then I remembered I saw a journal page where the textiles were sew with the sewing machine and were looking sooo good. But my sewing machine was not at hand, so I decided to sew it by hand. 😉

Initial am vrut sa prind peticele cu lipici, dar apoi mi-am adus aminte ca am vazut un jurnal unde erau cusute la masina si dadeau foarte bine. Insa cum masina de cusut nu era la indemana, am zis ca ar fi super bine sa le cos de mana. 😉

You can create whatever you imagine  - art journal page by Crisitina Parus @

Can you spot the boat floating on the eyebrow? It looks so good! The final result is more than wonderful! Love how the textile pieces turned out! I think I’m gonna use textiles more often in my everyday journaling!

Puteti vedea barcuta care pluteste pe spranceana fetei? Arata atat de bine! Rezultatul final este mai mult decat minunat! Imi place la nebunie cum arata bucatile de material! Cred c-o sa folosesc mai des materiale textile in jurnaleala de zi cu zi!


What have you been journaling today?

Tu ce-ai mai jurnalit azi?

Pe curand,


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