Watercolor building in the Sf. Anton churchyard by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

Watercolor building – Sf. Anton Church

Some time in June 2014 I was painting this building in watercolor, part of the Sf. Anton Church located down town Bucharest, right next to Manuc’s Inn. At that time, you could still see that tree in the churchyard. Afterwards, they cut the tree.

Candva in iunie 2014 pictam in acuarela aceasta cladire, care face parte din biserica Sf. Anton aflata in centrul Bucurestului, chiar langa Hanul lui Manuc. Pe vremea aia, inca se mai putea vedea copacul din curtea bisericii. Ulterior acesta a fost taiat.

Watercolor building in the Sf. Anton churchyard by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

I did a pencil sketch of the building and I started to add color. I’ve painted in the CANSON Art Book which has paper of only 100gm / 67lb, which surprisingly reacted very well when I added water, that of course if you don’t add too much water.

Am facut o schita in creion dupa care m-am apucat sa adaug culoare. Am pictat in jurnalul CANSON Art Book care are hartie de doar 100rm/67lb, dar care se comporta surprinzator de bine la contactul cu apa, daca nu se exagereaza, bineinteles.

Watercolor building in the Sf. Anton churchyard by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

I chose to skip the unnecessary items out of the painting, like the scaffolding and the corner of the house church appearing in the original photo.

Am ales sa elimin elementele inutile ce ar fi stricat aceasta pagina, cum ar fi acea schela si coltul cladirii bisericii.

Once I got home, I added watercolor trying to follow as much as I could the original colors.

Ajunsa acasa am adaugat acuarela incercand sa urmez cat mai fidel culorile din realitate.

Watercolor building in the Sf. Anton churchyard by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

In the left side of the page you can see a part of the stained glass from Sagrada Família Church I visited when I was in Barcelona.

In partea stanga a paginii puteti vedea o parte dintr-un vitraliu vazut din interiorul bisericii Sagrada Familia din Barcelona.

Watercolor building in the Sf. Anton churchyard by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

The more details I added, the better it got.  I felt sorry to see they cut the tree, it was looking great in the scenery.

Cu cat adaugam mai multe detalii, cu atat arata din ce in ce mai bine. Mi-a parut rau cand am vazut ca au taiat pomul, se incadra asa frumos on peisaj.

Watercolor building in the Sf. Anton churchyard by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

Watercolor building in the Sf. Anton churchyard by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

And here it’s the final result! It looks pretty good, isn’t it?

Iar aici este rezultatul final! Arata foarte bine, nu-i asa?


What have you been painting today?

Ce-ati mai pictat azi?

Pe curand,


4 responses to “Watercolor building – Sf. Anton Church”

  1. Believe it or not, this is one of my favorite watercolor sketches that you’ve made. I like life and urban sketches. There’s so sincere and natural about them.

    By the way, I’m curious. What brands of watercolor did you use for this church sketch? I notice you have both rectangular and circular watercolor pans. Are they of the same brand or different? 🙂

    1. Cristina, the Creative Mag

      Hey Connie! So lovely to find your thoughts in here! Thank you very much!
      The rectangular ones are bought in open stock, and they are different brands, like Winsor & Newton Cotman and Sennelier. Don’t ask me which color is which, coz I don’t remember. As for the circular watercolor pans, they come in set, and this is a Romanian brand of watercolors called “Colibri”. Maybe I should put one set in happy mail? 🙂 They are pretty inexpensive and great to carry around when you’re on the go!

      1. Thank you for answering my questions, dear. And oh what a generous offer you’re making, I’d be happy to accept it! It would be interesting to own and use a Romanian brand of watercolors. I’m smiling at the thought already … look —> 🙂

        Your other brands are great, too. I’ve read good reviews on Sennelier and W&N. I use a mix of Sakura Koi, Van Gogh, and W&N Cotman (student grade). By far, the Van Gogh watercolors perform best. I have only 4 VG half pans. I’ll probably get more when I visit an art store in Manila (National Capital Region).

        Thanks again, Cristina!

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