In the shadow
Not all the pages in my journal come out so easily or beautifully from the first shot. Some of them need to “sit back and relax” while I think of a new approach and get new ideas. This is the case with this page today. I can’t even remember what I intended to paint here, but definitely something went wrong at some point..and I got myself a very mudded page, with irregular shapes and an undefined character.
So I had to start over.
Nu chiar toate paginile din jurnalul meu ies bine si frumos din prima. Unele au nevoie de o mica “pauza de relaxare” cat timp gasesc eu o noua modalitate de a le da viata sau o noua perspectiva. Asta e si cazul acestei pagini. Nu-mi aduc aminte ce-am intentionat sa pictez aici, dar sigur la un moment dat ceva a mers prost…si m-am trezit cu o pagina mazgalita, cu forme neregulate si o fata nedefinita.
Asa ca a trebuit s-o iau de la capat.
This is how the page looked like when I grabbed my charcoal pencil and started to sketch a face on it:
Asa arata pagina cand am luat creionul de carbune si am inceput sa schitez:
And as you probably know by now, I’m not into using black too much on my pages, BUT this time it felt so natural to darken the page and emerge with this face. The acrylic-watercolor mixed background was the perfect base for the charcoal pencil, and then adding a little bit of white gesso, as well as some Faber Castell gel sticks made her look so beautiful it reminded me of Juna‘s style.
Si cum probabil stiti deja, nu sunt un fan al utilizarii negrului in exces in paginile mele, DAR de data asta a fost ceva natural sa inegresc pagina si sa desenez aceasta fata. Fundalul acrilic amestecat cu acuarela a fost baza perfecta pentru creionul carbune, pentru ca apoi sa adaug un pic de grund (gesso) alb, dar si niste batoane cu gel de la Faber Castell pentru a o face sa arate atat de frumos incat sa-mi aminteasca de stilul Junei.
In the end, I added some handmade stencils I have done a while ago and I can call her done!
La final, am adaugat niste sabloane handmade pe care le-am facut chiar eu acum ceva vreme, si pot sa spun ca e gata!